Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Parade!

Today was the Halloween Parade at Eliza's school. Fortunately, the rain stopped for almost the duration of the parade, starting just as we got back into the school. Eliza is Princess Presto this year, from her current favorite show, Super Why (although Angelina Ballerina is creeping up the ranks). We paraded around the block and it was VERY windy, as you can see from her hair.

Back inside, she posed for a quick pic with good bud and fellow princess, Chloe. Just a hunch, but I think she was getting hungry.
Back inside the classroom for group shots, which is, as Kerri said aptly so long ago, like herding cats. Eliza decided she had had enough. She said she wanted to twirl instead, but I think what she really needed was some food. Huge stacks of cupcakes were at the ready.
Definitely click on this one below to enlarge. Her face is priceless.
I need a tissue!
Are we done yet?Stay tuned for more pics after she goes trick-or-treating at Mimi & Papi's house on Halloween!

Also, I haven't posted anything about Eliza's birthday, but she had a grand ol' time and fortunately Aunt Mary took about a million pictures, which you can see here.