Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bathroom Remodel

Okay, so this doesn't have all that much to do with Eliza, other than she got a new(ish) bathroom and is super excited about it. But I thought people might enjoy a trip through our latest home improvement project (and by project, I mean something we paid other people to do). It was much less painful than the kitchen, I have to say.

So, this is what Eliza's bathroom looked like when we bought the place. Yes, that is high gloss, fluorescent aqua, in case you were wondering. Walls AND ceiling. Ugh.

All we did when we moved in was repaint, which something of an improvement, although we were still stuck with hideous floor tiles and ugly vanity.

So, here is the "new" bathroom - i.e. new, big, white tiles on the floor and a nice white vanity. Clean and simple and she loves it.

Then there was our bathroom. Again, here is what it was when we moved in (yes, that is the vanity that is now in Eliza's bathroom - reuse and recycle!):

After a coat of paint, still not great, but less fuzzy at least.

Demolition begins - gone are the ugly floor tiles and the ridiculous gigantic mirror. A huge improvement already.

Jump ahead to the finished product!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Nan!

Since we forgot to call yesterday and say it in person, here is Miss E's video card for Nan. (and you can all see her healing boo boo - note the nice bruises around the eyes now too)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sometimes it is really, really hard to be three. Now, you know we all love our Eliza dearly, but she can be a bit athletically challenged at times and her running style closely resembles that of an emu, which is to say that she pinballs and careens off things all over the place. And she trips a lot. A lot.

Today she was running to her room, emu style, when she tripped and did a header right into our front door. I have never seen an actual knot on someone's forehead until today and wow, is it something!

No worries - we called the doctor and they are not concerned. So Eliza gets to take it easy today and (of course) watch "Sleeping Beauty" (Aunt Mary, she eagerly awaits your company in this endeavor).

They're kinda like mug shots from a bar fight, aren't they?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowy Day

Now, I know this doesn't compare with what is happening on the East Coast with your fancy blizzards and all (and I never thought in a million years that I'd move to Chicago and consistently get LESS snow than in NJ), but we did get a nice snowfall yesterday.

Eliza and Mac went out to shovel some snow.

Eliza quickly realized she'd gotten the raw end of the shovel vs. broom deal.

So they swapped, but after a few seconds of toiling...

...she wised up completely and resigned her position...

...for the much more rewarding task of making snow angels.

Then she proceeded to eat about a pound of snow (only safe in fresh snowfall, before the dogs come a walkin'). Afterwards, she came back inside for some hot chocolate, most of which ended up on her face, and a new movie to watch, "Sleeping Beauty."