Saturday, September 1, 2007

Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes

We'd love to say this is her new favorite song, but her version would have to go more like "head, la, la, la, la, TOES." She is learning to point out different body parts when we ask. Toes she can always do. Yesterday she could do head, but today she's lost her head (groan). However, head has been replaced by belly today, so that's exciting. Sometimes she knows tongue, sometimes not. Tongue sounds a lot like toes so she gets confused. Really, when in doubt, point to the toes - that's her motto! Still, it's fun to see and she enjoys the game.

Life otherwise is going on same as usual. These pics are from a couple of weeks ago when we were intending to go to Millennium Park and let her play in the fountain. But then we locked ourselves out of the house and had to resort to calling our cat sitter to find someone with a copy of our keys. She lives down in Lincoln Park, so we trekked down there and ended up lunching at John's Place. It used to be one of our favorite restaurants, but the service lately has been pretty sub-par, so we're less than happy. Still it was a fun lunch and Eliza was feeling very photogenic.

We did end up at Millennium Park last week and she loved the fountain. Of course, we forgot the camera that time. Oh well.


Wonder Twins Power - Activate!

Cutie in a restaurant.

Eliza's first ride on the El.


Kerri said...

It's too bad she's so unphotogenic.

My God! That picture with her head tilted in the restaurant. Too cute. I can just hear what she's thinking: "Oh, who me? Cute? Why, yes, yes, I am."

Gen said...

Hey Susan! I found your blog through Kerri's. Fun. Sam has one too. How did Eliza like the El?